Getting Myself Organized
This post brought to you by ATracker by WonderApps. The content and opinions expressed below are that of My Fascination Street.

We've all seen the meme that started going around a year or so ago where it tells us that Beyonce also has just 24 hours in a day. I never saw that meme as something really inspiring but it did make me think. We all have 24 hours, 7 days a week, 365 days in a year and most of us have goals that we 'never have time' to achieve. This got me thinking: where does my time go? How many hours a day do I spend online window shopping, refreshing Facebook and checking out my Instagram feed? I needed a way to account for my time because I knew that it's what I needed to stop wasting time and be productive!

I am a huge fan of apps that can help me be more productive so I downloaded ATracker by WonderApps to see if it could work for me. I find that it's really easy to use and when I enter my activities accurately and honestly, I can really see how much time I spend on non productive things, like playing my 3DS, and how little I spend on my blog. I also see how I can make use of things like my daily commute. I spent 1.5 hours a day commuting to and from work on mass transit. Instead of spending the entire time on iMessaging or being online I can use that time to draft a post each way.

Overall, I really like that ATracker lets me see where my time is going because it clues me in on time that I can use for productive things. My goal is to turn this blog into a real moneymaker and there is no way I can do that if I don't focus and use my time wisely! Here's a short presentation video that shows you how the app works:
I think it's a great tool for anyone that has a day job but also wants to start some side projects or dedicate time to certain activities like reading, exercising or anything else!
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