My New Mantra-Wake Up. Kick Ass. Repeat.

by - October 15, 2015

I've always been the misery loves company type. At least I was when I was  New York City girl. There was something about that city that just had everyone living in a constant state of semi-contentment and it was just the way it was. 

But when I moved out to LA everything changed--eventually. The constant sunny days made me smile more, care about my health and overall well being. It was major! I also started blogging after my move and was always looking for ways to make my blog look prettier, to write better posts and have content that people actually cared about. The way I saw it was that there are thousands of blogs out there but I had to make mine stand out or else it would get lost in the shuffle.

I'm finally at a place where it's getting some recognition, I'm getting great numbers in terms of page views, unique visitors and other blogs linking my posts and I want to keep that going. Now that I'm not working out of a tiny studio apartment and have tons of space I'm getting things together to create my perfect writing area and I love that MMD sent me this wood sign to see what I thought about it. With everything that I'm currently doing-working out, working, blogging, taking care of my mental health- I want to do just what the wood sign says. Wake up. Kick ass. Repeat.
At 7"x7" the sign isn't huge so it's great for a small desk area or if you plan on hanging a lot of different signs and photos near each other. It's hand made using cedar wood and you its obvious that it's very well made. I'm glad this was sent to me and think everyone who has goals that they want a daily reminder of should get one of these from Amazon ASAP! 

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