Coming Up Roses
I recently moved into a new apartment that has huge built in shelves in the bathroom. I thought about using them just for my linens but decided to make them a bit more girly by making use of some of the items I've purchased for shoots. The first theme I decided to do was roses because I secretly adore the color pink. I also received an amazing Chloe perfume set for Christmas and their bottles designs are meant to be displayed.
After a trying year I've been focused on finding ways to calm my mind, create a sense of peace and have feel good vibes so while I always liked the scent of roses, I started to like it even more when I read about how great it was for the senses. It aids in depression by boosting self esteem and help relieve anxiety and i's a great aphrodisiac--trust me, I know. Wearing my Chloe perfume drove my last boyfriend nuts!

With all of that it's only natural that I want at least one room in my apartment to be dedicated to subconsciously making me feel good even though I'm never there for more than 30 minutes at a time. And not only does the essence of roses make my mind feel great but I absolutely adore walking into my bathroom and looking at my perfect little shelf. Here's what I was able to get in order to put this shelf together. I received a lucite tray a few months ago and thought it was just what I needed to take great photos and I was right. I was finally able to get the perfect white, or any color background that I wanted for my shoots. But once I got my light box I didn't need it anymore and thought it would be a great way to display my favorite products.
1. Chloe Perfume Box Set- This is one of my favorite Christmas presents from this past year. This has been my signature scent since 2014 and I had finally ran out of my original bottle. I love this set because it came with the lotion, a small travel size and it a cute tin box. I was going to use the box to hold arts and craft items but having it on display is so much better
2. Artificial Rose Petals- Over the summer I had a great idea for a post on scents and bought rose petals for a video that has yet to be properly edited-whoops! Anyway, I'm not sure if I will ever use these again so I didn't know what to do with them but I know that I can't have these tucked away because I'll forget about them.
3. Dr. Bronner's Castile Soap- I've touted this brand before and I will do it again. I'm in love with this companies products, especially the ones that are rose scented. These bar soaps are great for the shower or on a bathroom sink in a cute tray.
5. Peter Thomas Roth Rose Stem Cell Face Mask- I had this for almost six months before I actually used it because it was an impulse buy. Once I got into the scent of roses I decided to give this a try. Not only do I love how hydrated my skin is the scent is heavenly. I like wearing it overnight sometimes in lieu of my retinol cream just to change things up a bit.
There you have it! I've already started on my lavender shelf but I'm still searching for more products in order to consider it complete. I also have others that I want to create themes for because I think only having two out of four isn't going to work so keep an eye out for the rest!
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